Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Nervous, but excited

With less than 2 weeks until my third year begins, I am starting to get a little nervous. This IS what I have been waiting for, to be part of the team (I am under no illusion that I will actually be of any use to the team I am with). But I am anxious, will I be able to handle the study load, I am not confident in by pharmacology or anatomy knowlege, what if I fail a rotation...arrgghhh!!

I am not the first student in my position to feel this way...and I certainly wont be the last. It is just the transition I am going through. Without challenges and new experiences, I won't be able to grow and learn to be come the confident, competent doctor I know I can be. I owe it to my self to push myself to be the best I can be. More importantly, I owe it to my future patients.

I want to do some study...scared I will never have enough time. I have done some pharmacology study (about a day or two in total) but I just can't get into it yet. I am also VERY conscious of pacing myself. In my first year, I started like a 'bat out of hell' and had lost steam after mid year exams. Second year, I was a bit better, but I worked bloody hard. Of the graduate med program I'm in the first two years consist of year long subjects (all inclusive, combination of all disciplines) which allows subjects such as anatomy to be clinically focused, rather than a subject in isolation. Which is great for judging relevance and basic learning (detail is lost though, but then - query the relevance). The problem is it is easy to look at the year of 38 weeks (of learning) as a daunting never ending journey. In the final two clinical years, the year is broken up into 5 x 8wk rotations.
1 week orientation/start of learning, six weeks of core learning (some assignments/tasks in some rotations) and the final week with small discipline specific examination. I think the 8 weeks will fly by, too quickly, but at least it should be easier to chunk the learning.

For third year, everyone will go through the same order of rotation - starting at different places
Surgery>>Mental Health>>GP and the Community>>Medicine>>Rural>>

I am starting with Mental Health (so I finish up with surgery) - so I definately need pace myself!

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